Oralite V82 Prismatic Grade is a Type 5 Reflective Tape designed for applications that require long sight distance detection. Applications where only the brightest tape will do. This gives end users an opportunity to substantially increase the visibility of their vehicle or other projects for maximum visual recognition in a night time environment, from great distances. V82 is also the thinnest prismatic tape on the market and the only brand that is made in a single layer. Will not delaminate. For more information on our Type 5 Prismatic grade reflective tape by Oralite, click here.
As you can see above, our Oralite V82 Type 5 Prismatic reflective tape comes with a peel-off backing or release liner which exposes a strong, permanent adhesive. To apply, simply peel the backing and press onto a smooth, clean, surface. High-Intensity prismatic tapes are designed for flat surfaces with no compound curves or for rounded surfaces like large diameter PVC pipes or bollards.
Oralite V82 or AP1000 Prismatic Reflective is available in 7 colors, Red, School Bus Yellow, Standard Yellow, Green, Blue, White, and Orange. All are 10 year outdoor rated and meet ASTM D4956 Type Five Specs.